- Published: Wednesday, 04 February 2009
They’re cheap. They don’t always look very pretty. You can even get some with a yellow hue! (And even if you don’t, but you leave them for too long, they develop a yellow hue of their own.) Richard Branson swears by them - he used his to research for all his published books. And Dave Allen recommends them. (Or he would if Palm Pilots weren’t invented…)
Notebooks. Pieces of paper bound together for you to write on. What should you write?
Everything you say you’ll do. In order to be your word, you have to know what you gave your word to. The more games you are playing in life, the more things you will be giving your word to. Want to take on more and complete it all with integrity? Give your word, write it down, do it.
Planning structures for fulfillment. Have a project in mind? Jot down the end goal, brainstorm all the tasks that would need to be completed between now and the end goal, set dates by when the tasks will be completed and you have a structure for fulfillment.
Making lists. Shopping lists, to-do lists, people to call, emails to type, etc. Helps you batch like-activities together and saves time.
Brain dump. Anything that’s on your mind doesn’t exist until it’s down on paper - get it down on paper and make it real. Once it’s down, it frees your mind to think about something else.
Six cents each at the Big W sales at the start of the school year. Get one. It’s worth it.