- Published: Thursday, 05 February 2009
“I go to Imperial College”, “I’m applying to MIT”, “I play bowls for my county”, or “I’m a pro-series gamer” means nothing to the person who doesn’t know about the world’s top universities, what a county is, or anything about the pro-series.
To the amateur gamer who trawls through gaming sites to find out the latest news about cybergames tournaments and then spends five hours a day practising, being a ‘pro-series gamer’ is a big deal. To someone like me, who doesn’t understand games or the games industry, I could be two feet within the biggest stars in that industry and not look twice at them.
It doesn’t matter how successful you think yourself to be, what you’ve done or how much effort it took for you to get there, other people won’t be able to appreciate it if they don’t get the context. So, share the context with them! Share what it is that makes you think you’re a success, share about all the great things you’ve done and share how much effort it took for you to get there. Share your life with others - that is true success.