Forbes named me a world's top 50 woman in tech & 30 Under 30. I founded Robogals and Aipoly and was Young Australian of the Year 2012. Currently working on robotics company Aubot. I'm the youngest Member of the Order of Australia (AM) and I give speeches around the world.
I tweet @maritacheng and I'm on Facebook.
As part of my Advance Queensland Hot Desq tenure, I was granted the unique opportunity to visit a remote Aboriginal community, Aurukun, to encourage kids into...
YAN was an amazing experience. I believe the more you put into something, the more you get out. And so I put in as much of me as I could, and I had an...
The team created some new Aubot prototypes for some different kinds of robots. I took them to CES to show them off. Here I am with the robot...
Officeworks got in touch to film this short content editorial piece. They filmed a Robogals workshop in Melbourne, our Jevaroo robot in action and an...
As the Cheshire Cat says, "if you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there." In my Engineering Analysis A class (an engineering...
We filmed some more videos of our Jevaroo robot arm in action! Here it is demonstrating its load and lift capabilities. It can lift 2.32kg at the...
When I first started Robogals, the first thing I did was tell people about my vision and ask that they sign on to join. From that, I got a team of 3...
I’m fortunate to be invited all around the world to deliver speeches. In February, I was invited to the MBN Y Forum in Seoul, South Korea for a...
No matter what choices you make every single day, life is unpredictable - everything is unpredictable. So all you can do is prepare the best you can...
From July 2020 - March 2022, I worked really, really hard on achieving a big goal and having a huge impact on the world. By March 2022, when we’d...