- Published: Monday, 17 September 2018
Choose Maths is an exciting 5 year, national project designed to empower and encourage Australian students (in particular girls) to pursue mathematics through to year 12 and beyond. Despite past efforts, the statistics show that in 2015 only 6.9 per cent of Year 12 girls studied advanced maths compared with 12.6 per cent of boys and the aim of Choose Maths is to turn this around.
I was chosen to be an ambassador in AMSI's Choose Maths campaign. As part of that, I have been placed on billboards and buses around Australia! To show that maths is more than textbooks and numbers - it’s exciting and innovative and can lead to a variety of jobs.
Here are a few of the billboards from around Australia.
Billboard in Brisbane (courtesy of Trevor)
Bus in Melbourne (courtesy of Kristin)
Bus in Sydney (courtesy of Adam Spencer!)
As well as that, the CHOOSEMATHS campaign made a video covering my journey with Robogals and Teleport.
Flyers, brochures and posters have also been distributed to high schools throughout Australia. To find out more, visit the AMSI website!