- Published: Sunday, 24 March 2013
I meet people all the time.
In the past it was at entrepreneurship networking events when I was starting up Nudge. Then, it was at engineering conferences and engineering networking events when I was working on Robogals. Now, it's because I give a lot of speeches at conferences.
I used to exchange business cards, follow-up with everyone, and add them to the Robogals mailing list.
But then last year, it got to the point where I was giving 3 ~ 4 speeches a week, and didn't have time to follow-up with everyone and add them to the mailing list. So now I have a huge pile of business cards that I haven't dealt with. For people I met nearly a year ago.
So I still haven't worked out the best way to keep in touch with people.
But the more people I meet, the more I cherish the handful of people I've met at each conference who changed the way I saw the world, or who I spoke to for really long periods about things that I'm really passionate about (living life powerfully and with integrity/ what's important in relationships with venture capitalists/ entrepreneurship/ education) or nothing in particular at all, but who seemed to be on the same wavelength as me. It's those who I remember long after I remember what the sessions were about.
I think that's what I try to be when I network - a great conversation that changes the way someone sees the world.